Audrey Spencer
We found out in December of 2014 at a routine ultrasound that our Audrey Sue was going to have a cleft lip. We already had two children at home, both of which had been fairly routine pregnancies. They referred us to a Maternal Fetal Health Clinic for more tests and imaging, but we were still unsure if there was palate involvement. A week later, we met what would be Audrey Sue’s cleft team, led by pediatric plastic surgeon Dr. Alison Kaye. Two days after Audrey Sue was born, Dr. Kaye came to see us and got us through our first 15 months and four surgeries, answering questions and making herself available for help practically 24/7. She was our lifeline during a tumultuous and frightening time.
Over the past eight years, our family has gotten to know Dr. Kaye, and she has taught us the difference between doctor and caregiver. She is a caregiver. She understands the struggles of her patients and helps our family manage the practicalities of daily life. She has taken the time to educate us on Audrey Sue’s big picture/future. These days, we only see Dr. Kaye at Audrey's annual exam, but Dr. Kaye has never dropped the ball on her care and can remember the details of Audrey Sue’s case. Remembering those details is one of the reasons we trust Dr. Kaye; we know, and Audrey knows, she is safe whether in the office or the operating room.
Audrey Sue has grown to become a bright, funny, unicorn-loving gal with a light that can’t be dimmed! She loves school, cheerleading, pink, and playing outside, takes tennis and piano lessons, and can educate everyone around her about her cleft.