Hospitalist services
A hospitalist is a physician who specializes in caring for patients during their hospital stay. Our hospitalists have dedicated their careers to the quality care of hospitalized patients.
Your primary care physician has asked a hospitalist to care for you while you are in the hospital. Hospitalists care for patients in the hospital the same way your primary care physician cares for you in his or her office.
Your hospitalist will provide your care from admission through discharge, including:
- Evaluating your conditions and directing the hospital admission
- Ordering diagnostic testing and procedures
- Coordination of necessary consultations with specialists
- Visiting you daily throughout your hospital stay
- Coordinating and communicating with your primary care physician and specialists
- Expertise in the hospital system
- Availability for family meetings
- Timely communication of test results to you
- More efficient hospitalization
- Expertise in your illness
What if I need another specialist while I'm in the hospital?
Consultations by other physicians are necessary in some cases. Your hospitalist will arrange these for you. If you regularly see other doctors, be sure to let us know so we can keep them informed of your hospitalization.
What about my Primary Care Physician?
When your primary care physician selects a hospitalist to care for you, this in no way changes the relationship between you and your primary care physician. Our hospitalists do not have an office-based practice. Upon discharge, your primary care physician will resume your care. If you do not have a primary care physician, you will be referred to one to care for you after your discharge from the hospital.
Will I see my own Primary Care Physician?
Your primary care physician may choose to visit you in the hospital. Your primary care physician and your hospitalist will work together to coordinate your care. Your primary care physician will receive a full report regarding your hospital stay and will resume your care upon discharge from the hospital.
What happens upon discharge from the hospital?
Your concerns will be addressed prior to discharge by a hospitalist. Your nurse will provide a discharge instruction sheet listing your medications and any follow-up appointments. Your nurse also will provide you with any necessary information concerning therapies or other services needed in order to expedite your recovery. Your hospitalist will provide a discharge summary to your primary care physician including all pertinent information regarding your hospitalization, your discharge medications and any further treatment and future appointments needed.