Breast health
Breast imaging centers in the Greater Kansas City area
We're committed to delivering the personalized breast health services you need to maintain your long-term health.
At HCA Midwest Health, our dedicated specialists offer comprehensive care, from prevention planning and screenings to advanced diagnostics, including minimally invasive breast biopsies.
Schedule a mammogram
You can now schedule a screening mammogram online. For assistance scheduling your screening or diganostic mammogram please call (816) 823-0011.
You can now schedule a screening mammogram online. For assistance scheduling your screening or diganostic mammogram please call (816) 823-0011.
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Breast health services we offer
We offer comprehensive diagnostic services, imaging exams and interventional breast care, including:
- 2D digital screening mammograms
- 3D mammograms
- Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Clinical breast exams
- Cyst aspiration
- Galactograms, also called ductograms (a procedure to view the milk ducts)
- Genetic testing
- MRI-guided breast biopsy
- Needle localizations
- Positron emission tomography (PET)/computerized tomography (CT) scans
- Ultrasound imaging, including 3D breast ultrasound
- Stereotactic breast biopsy
- Surgical breast biopsy
- Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
Personalized breast services at HCA Midwest Health
Maintaining your breast health starts with annual mammogram screenings and a breast cancer risk assessment. Our oncologists and breast care clinicians work together to provide comprehensive breast screening services to help save more lives by detecting breast cancer as early as possible.
When to begin screening
Regular mammograms help detect breast abnormalities early on, when they are easiest to treat. In general, doctors recommend screenings based on a woman's age starting with:
- Annual clinical breast exams and mammograms for women who are 40 years old or older
- Baseline screening mammograms for women who are 35 to 40 years old
- Clinical breast exams conducted every three years for women who are 20 to 39 years old
If you or your doctor have found a suspicious lump during a breast exam at any age, have it examined. Although 40 years old is the general rule of thumb to start scheduling yearly mammograms, your doctor may recommend starting sooner depending on your risk factors.
It is also important to remember to conduct monthly self-breast exams in addition to your annual screenings.
We make getting your annual mammogram as comfortable and convenient as possible. Our patients are our priority, which is why:
- You never have to travel far for a screening with a choice of eight mammography screening locations throughout the Kansas City area.
- We work around your schedule by offering Saturday appointments, extended hours and walk-in appointments at many of our locations.
- You can schedule the way you want by calling us at (816) 823-0011 or scheduling a mammogram online.
- We maximize your comfort during screenings by using soft mammo pads.
- Our team is experienced in providing high-quality care and includes dedicated breast doctors, nurses and technicians.
- Our facilities use advanced technology, including digital (3D) mammography that can produce clearer images and reduce unneeded biopsies.
- Individualized screening plans: Our breast cancer prevention programs help women manage their personal risk and may increase the chance of early cancer detection.
Breast screening services
In addition to screening for breast cancer, breast imaging can help identify abnormal growths, cysts, lumps, mastitis and other signs of a problem. We provide soft screening mammo pads so you feel more comfortable during your mammogram. Some of our facilities also offer protective coverlets that allow our technologists to position patients as close to the chest wall as possible.
3D mammography
3D mammography, also known as digital mammography with tomosynthesis, is one of the latest advancements in breast imaging. This type of mammogram uses X-rays to take pictures of multiple thin slices of the breast from different angles. Computer software is then used to reconstruct a 3D image of the breast.
Benefits of 3D mammograms
We are proud that our patients have access to 3D mammography and its many benefits, which include:
- Increased breast cancer detection rates, with more than a 40 percent increase in detecting invasive cancers
- Earlier detection of breast cancers
- Clearer lesion images
- Reduced need for unnecessary biopsies, minimizing patient anxieties and costs
Patients who should consider 3D mammography
Some patients may benefit further from 3D mammography compared to a digital screening mammogram. 3D mammograms are often recommended for patients who have:
- Dense breast tissue
- Family history of breast cancer or previous breast cancer diagnosis
- Previous mammogram results that were ambiguous or inconclusive
- Previously been called back for repeat breast scans
- Undergone biopsies for suspicious masses or lesions in the past
Breast cancer prevention
There are many ways for you to take control of your breast health:
- Learn about your personal level or risk.
- Talk to your family and learn about your family health history.
- Talk to your primary care doctor about your risk for breast cancer and when to begin screenings.
- Conduct regular breast self-exams.The breast health experts of Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at HCA Midwest Health recommend women 20 years old and older conduct monthly self-breast exams. This helps you familiarize yourself with your body and learn what is normal for you.
- When it's time, get screened regularly. The goal of screening is to catch cancer early when it is most treatable. Breast cancer screenings include:
- Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Clinical breast exams
- Mammograms
Signs of breast cancer
There is no “normal” or “standard” breast among women. Breasts differ in size, shape and density, and often, one breast will be slightly different from its partner. Also, events such as pregnancy and monthly menstrual cycles can change the size and tenderness of the breasts.
Know what is normal for your body. If you detect any of the following signs, don’t delay seeing a doctor:
- Irritation or dimpling skin
- New lump inside the breast or underarm
- Nipple discharge or leakage
- Nipple turning inward
- Pain in the breast or nipple
- Roughness or scaling of the breast or nipple
- Swelling or redness
What it means to have dense breast tissue
Women with dense breast tissue are at a slightly elevated risk for developing breast cancer. It can also cause difficulties for radiologists when reading the results of imaging exams. However, unless you have been previously informed by a mammogram or your primary care physicians, you may not be sure if this condition applies to you.
If you are unsure if you have breast dense tissue, talk with one of our mammography technologists. They will gladly discuss breast density with you and make recommendations based on your imaging results.
Some women with dense breast tissue may receive a 3D breast ultrasound in addition to an annual mammogram. It is important to remember that a breast ultrasound does not replace your mammogram screening.
Breast cancer risk factors
Just like in life, there are factors we can and cannot control in terms of developing breast cancer. Some factors are set in stone when it comes to your breast cancer risk, including:
- Ashkenazi Jewish heritage
- Family history of breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
- Getting older
- Having your first period before 12 years old
- High bone density
- Male family member diagnosed with breast cancer
- Personal history of breast or ovarian cancer
- Positive test for certain gene mutations
- Previous biopsy showing atypical hyperplasia or cancer
- Prior radiation for childhood cancer
- Starting menopause after 55 years old
However, you can manage certain risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer, such as:
- Being exposed to a large amount of radiation
- Being overweight
- Consuming two to five alcoholic beverages per day
- High levels of estrogen in the blood
- Lack of exercise
- Not breastfeeding
- Not having children or having your first child at 35 years old or older
- Postmenopausal hormone use
- Taking birth control pills for five years or longer
Breast cancer treatment
Every cancer diagnosis will respond differently to treatment. At Sarah Cannon at HCA Midwest Health, we design our breast cancer treatment programs to meet your individual needs. Should you be diagnosed with breast cancer, our comprehensive cancer services ensure you have access to experienced oncology specialists, advanced technology and useful resources during treatment.
Throughout our eight screening locations and seven cancer centers, we offer a wide range of breast cancer treatment options, including:
- Breast surgery
- Chemotherapy
- Clinical trials
- Lymphedema treatments
- Radiation therapy
Breast cancer care support services
We also offer support services to help patients with a recent breast cancer diagnosis. Our patients have access to:
- Dedicated breast cancer nurse navigators
- Genetic counseling/testing
- Multidisciplinary breast health conferences
- Nutritionists
- Oncology social workers
Videos about our breast health services
Why you should stick to your mammogram schedule
Early detection is the best weapon in fighting breast cancer. But since the pandemic started, less women are getting their yearly mammogram.
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