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Research Medical Center Top Charges

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Top 100 DRGs
DRG Plain Language Description Average Charge
885 Psychoses $13,610
871 Septicemia or severe sepsis without MV >96 hours with complication $22,188
897 Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehabilitation therapy without complication $9,994
895 Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence with rehabilitation therapy $11,663
552 Medical back problems without complication $20,099
872 Septicemia or severe sepsis without MV >96 hours without complication $11,514
291 Heart failure and shock with complication $11,460
392 Esophagitis, gastroenteritis and miscellaneous digestive disorders without complication $10,928
853 Infectious and parasitic diseases with O.R. procedures with complication $54,386
101 Seizures without complication $11,051
794 Neonate with other significant problems $6,771
795 Normal newborn $3,447
882 Neuroses except depressive $9,002
807 Vaginal delivery without sterilization or D&C without comorbidity/complication $8,907
683 Renal failure with comorbidity $8,089
603 Cellulitis without complication $7,951
305 Hypertension without complication $7,998
057 Degenerative nervous system disorders without complication $26,817
945 Rehabilitation with comorbidity/complication $21,217
682 Renal failure with complication $12,820
208 Respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support <=96 hours $40,927
638 Diabetes with comorbidity $11,917
189 Pulmonary edema and respiratory failure $11,653
064 Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction with complication $28,627
854 Infectious and parasitic diseases with O.R. procedures with comorbidity $33,768
806 Vaginal delivery without sterilization or D&C with comorbidity $9,029
812 Red blood cell disorders without complication $8,888
881 Depressive neuroses $11,304
690 Kidney and urinary tract infections without complication $7,935
065 Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction with comorbidity or tPA in 24 hours $13,781
286 Circulatory disorders except AMI, with cardiac catheterization with complication $25,497
640 Miscellaneous disorders of nutrition, metabolism, fluids and electrolytes with complication $10,898
493 Lower extremity and humerus procedures except hip, foot and femur with comorbidity $52,568
100 Seizures with complication $18,858
025 Craniotomy and endovascular intracranial procedures with complication $47,330
193 Simple pneumonia and pleurisy with complication $14,779
003 ECMO or tracheostomy with MV >96 hours or principal diagnosis except face, mouth and neck with major O.R. procedures $350,036
274 Percutaneous and other intracardiac procedures without complication $26,680
563 Fracture, sprain, strain and dislocation except femur, hip, pelvis and thigh without complication $17,435
698 Other kidney and urinary tract diagnoses with complication $15,796
287 Circulatory disorders except AMI, with cardiac catheterization without complication $14,857
023 Craniotomy with major device implant or acute complex CNS principal diagnosis with complication or chemotherapy implant or epilepsy with neurostimulator $91,728
560 Aftercare, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue with comorbidity $22,095
605 Trauma to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and breast without complication $14,016
394 Other digestive system diagnoses with comorbidity $9,379
313 Chest pain $9,025
918 Poisoning and toxic effects of drugs without complication $15,805
884 Organic disturbances and intellectual disability $11,553
883 Disorders of personality and impulse control $12,723
378 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage with comorbidity $13,271
312 Syncope and collapse $11,006
880 Acute adjustment reaction and psychosocial dysfunction $8,637
280 Acute myocardial infarction, discharged alive with complication $13,919
957 Other O.R. procedures for multiple significant trauma with complication $159,710
460 Spinal fusion except cervical without complication $52,974
896 Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehabilitation therapy with complication $18,041
787 Cesarean section without sterilization with comorbidity $14,501
439 Disorders of pancreas except malignancy with comorbidity $9,387
177 Respiratory infections and inflammations with complication $15,256
074 Cranial and peripheral nerve disorders without complication $10,113
935 Non-extensive burns $35,387
699 Other kidney and urinary tract diagnoses with comorbidity $10,239
056 Degenerative nervous system disorders with complication $44,744
811 Red blood cell disorders with complication $13,090
103 Headaches without complication $10,494
309 Cardiac arrhythmia and conduction disorders with comorbidity $8,283
472 Cervical spinal fusion with comorbidity $31,234
917 Poisoning and toxic effects of drugs with complication $24,306
641 Miscellaneous disorders of nutrition, metabolism, fluids and electrolytes without complication $7,178
163 Major chest procedures with complication $60,836
432 Cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis with complication $24,762
454 Combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion with comorbidity $60,402
086 Traumatic stupor and coma <1 hour with comorbidity $36,648
273 Percutaneous and other intracardiac procedures with complication $33,480
252 Other vascular procedures with complication $32,623
314 Other circulatory system diagnoses with complication $27,400
433 Cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis with comorbidity $13,922
041 Peripheral, cranial nerve and other nervous system procedures with comorbidity or peripheral neurostimulator $27,842
271 Other major cardiovascular procedures with comorbidity $76,987
087 Traumatic stupor and coma <1 hour without comorbidity/complication $14,085
637 Diabetes with complication $24,453
793 Full term neonate with major problems $18,279
281 Acute myocardial infarction, discharged alive with comorbidity $8,844
069 Transient ischemia without thrombolytic $6,892
253 Other vascular procedures with comorbidity $21,819
377 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage with complication $20,305
092 Other disorders of nervous system with comorbidity $10,509
329 Major small and large bowel procedures with complication $73,397
788 Cesarean section without sterilization without comorbidity/complication $14,969
194 Simple pneumonia and pleurisy with comorbidity $8,945
481 Hip and femur procedures except major joint with comorbidity $33,560
870 Septicemia or severe sepsis with MV >96 hours $72,439
652 Kidney transplant $74,479
235 Coronary bypass without cardiac catheterization with complication $67,262
661 Kidney and ureter procedures for non-neoplasm without comorbidity/complication $93,122
928 Full thickness burn with skin graft or inhalation injury with comorbidity/complication $90,968
175 Pulmonary embolism with complication or acute cor pulmonale $17,155
299 Peripheral vascular disorders with complication $16,912
958 Other O.R. procedures for multiple significant trauma with comorbidity $144,886

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