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Baby registry items

Learn about some of the things you will need the most as a new mom of twins.

August 01, 2022

Registry tips from a mom with twins

Big stuff

  • Car seat
    • Quantity: Get two actual car seats and double or quadruple the bases.
    • Notes: You will only need two car seats. But, you need two bases for each caregiver who will be transporting them. For us, it was mom, dad, grandparents = six bases.
  • Swing
    • Quantity: one
    • Notes: Register for one, if you find that both babies love them and cry when they are out, get a second. I recommend a plug-in, rather than battery operated, it will save you money; also get one that has a vibrating chair combo.
  • Jumping gym
    • Quantity: one
    • Notes: Won’t use for six to seven months.
  • Vibrating chair
    • Quantity: one
    • Notes: Start with one, if you find both babies like them a lot get a second.
  • Baby monitor
    • Quantity: one
    • Notes: We used a smartphone app, which wasn’t always ideal. When you leave the babies with a babysitter, they won’t have the monitor if you take your phone.
  • Portable play yard
    • Quantity: one or two
    • Notes: Get a double portable play yard with a bassinet and a divider to use for twins. For us, this is all we needed. But, when the babies spent the night with their grandparents, we did find it easier to have two smaller units to carry around.
  • Bassinet
    • Quantity: two
    • Notes: If not using a portable play yard.
  • Breast pump
    • Quantity: one
  • Diaper pail
    • Quantity: one or two
    • Notes: If you are going to have two diaper stations, get two. We had one upstairs and down. The bags can get expensive. There are some diaper pails that work with your own garbage bags.
  • Play activity
    • Quantity: one
  • Baby gates
    • Quantity: As many as you need.
  • Stroller
    • Quantity: Varies
    • Notes: Get the double stroller that will fit your car seats. These are usually the long version. As they got older and didn’t need the car seats, we got a side-by-side double stroller so they could both see out. We also bought the $20 single strollers that you can toss around quickly.
  • Twin nursing pillow
    • Quantity: one 
    • Notes: If you plan to nurse, you must have this pillow. You can tandem feed with this and it has more support for you and baby than a regular nursing pillow.
  • Baby lounger
    • Quantity: two
    • Notes: We had these in addition to a nursing pillow. They were very helpful when you needed a quick place for the babies to rest and keep from rolling.

Everyday items

  • Changing pad with covers
    • Quantity: one changing pad, multiple covers/lap covers
  • Floor baby seat with tray
    • Quantity: two
    • Notes: When the babies can sit up, this is an easy way to feed them and very portable.
  • Baby carrier
    • Quantity: two
    • Notes: There is one brand for twins. It allows you to use the carrier to transport both together or one at a time.
  • Seat protector
    • Quantity: Enough to go under all bases.
  • High chair
    • Quantity: two
    • Notes: Instead of getting two high chairs and adding more furniture and “stuff," we got a space-saving compact high chair. These hook to almost any chair and were also great to take to grandparents if we were going to be there for more than one feeding. I also loved the cloth portable seats. These fit in my diaper bag and could be used at any restaurant, friend’s house, etc. We used these until they were two.
  • Sheet savers
    • Quantity: two to four
    • Notes: Keeps you from changing the sheets when they have leaks.
  • Swaddle sacks
    • Quantity: two to four
    • Notes: You may want extras if they get sick at night.
  • Pacifier
    • Quantity: Many
    • Notes: If your babies take pacifiers, have lots of extras on hand.
  • Pacifier holder
    • Quantity: one to two depending on size
    • Notes: Attaches to diaper bag.
  • Diaper bag
    • Quantity: one
    • Notes: I found that the backpack style worked best. You won’t have your arms free, so being able to throw something on your back is easier than trying to balance on the shoulder. I also got a plain, black one so my husband would carry it too.
  • Baby tub
    • Quantity: one
    • Notes: In the beginning, you’ll bathe the babies one at a time.
  • Humidifier
    • Quantity: one or two
    • Notes: You’ll want one for each room the babies sleep in.
  • Bottles
    • Quantity: minimum 12
    • Notes: If the kids are going to daycare during the day, you will need a minimum of six bottles a day/child to take to daycare. I’d go as many as 15-20 so you aren’t washing as many. Don’t forget to register for the different nipple sizes, too.
  • Microwave sterilizer
    • Quantity: one
    • Notes: Get this! It will save you time on washing and sterilizing bottles.
  • Larger receiving blankets
    • Quantity: four to eight
  • Burp rags
    • Quantity: 20
  • Wash rags
    • Quantity: 20
  • Bath towels
    • Quantity: four
  • Bibs
    • Quantity: Lots
    • Notes: Add disposable to your registry too for when you’re on the go.

Other random items

  • Outlet covers
    • Quantity: As many as you need.
  • Bath stuff (especially lotion)
    • Quantity: As much as you need.
    • Notes: Lots of different bath stuff — I would go with organic, scent-free as often as possible for sensitive skin.
  • Parent survival kit
    • Quantity: N/A
    • Notes: Has many “wellness” items:
      • Thermometer — would only recommend digital ear thermometer — it’s around $30 but totally worth it — used at hospital and in every pediatrician’s office.
      • Booger sucker — you’ll need both sizes — large and small. Might also consider saline drops.
      • Nail clippers.
      • Gas relief drops or gripe water (for upset stomach and gas). Drops are great to have on hand as well as infant pain reliever — it’s just when you need it that you won’t have it and they really do make a difference — great to have in your medicine bag from the beginning.
      • Diaper paste or cream.
  • Car seat toys
    • Quantity: As needed
  • Developmental toys
    • Quantity: As needed
  • Rattles
    • Quantity: As needed
  • Teether toys
    • Quantity: A lot
  • Little bowls for cereal/baby food
    • Quantity: As needed
    • Notes: Feeding bowls/lids: Won’t use for at least five months.
  • Snack cup
    • Quantity: As needed
    • Notes: 12+ months.
  • Baby spoons
    • Quantity: As needed
  • Sippy cups
    • Quantity: As needed
  • Diapers (one newborn and two size one's and two size two's (big boxes))
    • Quantity: A lot
    • Notes: The Swaddlers (sensitive) or Dry Max ones for overnight once they start sleeping longer. Don’t forget wipes!

Nursing items

  • Sterilizing bags
    • Quantity: As needed
    • Notes: Great idea if you pump!
  • Nursing bags and crème
    • Quantity: As needed
  • Nursing bras and tanks
    • Quantity: three to four
  • Lullaby music and portable music player for nursery
    • Quantity: N/A
  • Books for reading to them
    • Quantity: A lot
    • Notes: Can never have too many books or too good a start on your library.
  • Baby laundry detergent
    • Quantity: N/A
  • Teether toys
    • Quantity: As needed
  • Mobiles
    • Quantity: one each
August 01, 2022

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