Research Medical Center
September 17, 2019

An Effective Outpatient Solution for Patients with Chronic Acid Reflux

Kansas City, MO — Fundoplication is one of the most common surgeries used to treat heartburn caused by gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). The new transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) is a minimally invasive treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that is performed in the outpatient setting.

Specially-trained physicians perform the TIF procedure from inside the patient’s stomach without incisions. This procedure delivers patient outcomes similar to those provided by other conventional GERD procedures, but is less invasive, has fewer adverse effects, and does not limit future treatment options.

During the TIF procedure, a gastrointestinal physician specialist repairs a patient’s antireflux barrier by reducing a hiatal hernia (≤ 2 cm), and creating a valve 2 to 4 cm in length and greater than 270 degree circumferential wrap, thus restoring the dynamics of the angle of His.

A Less Invasive Approach

Fundoplication procedures have been used to effectively treat patients with GERD for more than 50 years. This new TIF procedure differs from a traditional fundoplication procedure because it is performed through the mouth rather than through laparoscopy or open abdominal incisions.

To be evaluated for solutions for chronic acid reflux, view our digestive system information or call (816) 361-0055.