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Tim Thompson

Tim received chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant at Research Medical Center, after being diagnosed with plasma cell leukemia.

March 19, 2021
Tim Thompson with his partner Suzan and medical oncologist Frank Slovick.

Tim Thompson, a cattle farmer in Allen County, KS, began to notice bone pain in his spine and chest while doing daily activities. After a few weeks, his pain became unbearable and he checked-in to the ER at Allen County Regional Hospital.

After completing lab work, Tim was diagnosed with plasma cell leukemia, an aggressive form of multiple myeloma. Under the care of hematologist and medical oncologist Frank Slovick, MD at Research Medical Center, Tim received intense chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. During his treatment and through his recovery, Tim’s significant other Suzan stayed in our on-campus patient and family townhomes so she could be close by.

It has been more than 365 days since Tim's bone marrow transplant and his bone marrow biopsy is negative! Tim celebrated his 63rd birthday on Mar. 5, 2021 and is excited to take on calving season with his family.

March 19, 2021
Research Medical Center

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