Inpatient physical rehabilitation
Inpatient physical therapy in Kansas City, Missouri
Several of our hospitals offer inpatient rehab to patients who require 24-hour care and intensive daily rehab therapy.
This sophisticated level of care is not available in other settings, such as nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living centers or extended care centers.
In inpatient rehab, patients participate in a combination of therapies which can include physical, occupational and speech therapies. Most patients spend 3 hours per day, 5 days a week working with skilled rehab specialists. Exercise and treatment are important, but the process of relearning work skills, cooking, driving and writing means you will have what it takes to get back to his or her life again. It's that environment of "hope" where ordinary desires become extraordinary realizations.
Common diagnosis treated on inpatient rehab include, but not limited to:
- Stroke
- Traumatic brain injury
- Multi-trauma
- Burns
- Cardiac
- Amputations
- Pulmonary
- Spinal cord injuries
- Infections
- Neurological conditions (Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Myathenia Gravis, etc)
You are the center of care
You and your family will be the key members of our rehabilitation team. Together, we will develop goals to meet your specific needs to return home.
Your rehab team consists of physical, occupational and speech therapists, specially trained rehab nurses, a social worker and a board-certified rehab physician. Your team will meet weekly to discuss your progress and to adjust your plan as needed to reach you goals. Your family will have the opportunity to participate in your therapy and receive special training, if necessary.
A typical schedule will consist of you seeing your physician or nurse practitioner daily to coordinate your medical care. All consultants and medical services are immediately available if needed. You will work with the therapists at least 5-6 days a week, consisting of three or more hours of treatment in 30- or 60-minute sessions. Your specialty rehab nurse will carry-on what you have been learning in therapy, help you understand your medications and deliver high quality nursing care.
Your rehabilitation team
Our patients receive one-on-one personalized care from a highly trained team of inpatient rehabilitation specialists who work with you to develop and implement a customized plan of care. By providing this level of treatment, our inpatient rehabilitation team can focus on the needs of each individual so they can return home.
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Physician or Physiatrist:
Physician whose specialty is rehabilitation medicine. They are in charge of your overall treatment and directs your rehabilitation program.
Rehabilitation Nurse:
Our nurses are specially trained in rehabilitation and provide 24/7 nursing care to reinforce skills learned during therapy sessions.
Physical Therapists (PT):
Concentrates on mobility such as walking, bed mobility, wheelchair management, balance and strength to perform activities of daily living improving quality of life.
Occupational Therapist (OT):
Provides skilled training to help patients become more independent with activities of daily living (i.e. eating, bathing, grooming, dressing, toilet transfers, and tub/shower transfers) in order to safely return home.
Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP/ST):
Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) helps to restore function in speech, language, swallowing, and cognitive function.
Social Worker/Case Manager:
Coordinates with medical staff, the patient and family/caregivers throughout the duration of the rehab stay to make sure all needs are being met.
The dietitian evaluates your nutritional status and makes recommendations about proper nutrition and diet. Individualized attention to diet and caloric intake assists in recovery. The dietitian will also educate you regarding menu selection, proper food consistencies, diet changes, etc., as it fits your needs.
Getting you home
You and your inpatient rehab team will work together to make all the necessary preparations for your return home. This can include family training, equipment assessment and ordering, arranging outpatient or in-home therapy and nursing care. You will receive follow up phone calls from us after your discharge to see how you are doing at home.
State–of–the–art equipment
Some of the technologies we offer include:
- LiteGait Partial Weight Bearing Gait Therapy Device
- BIONESS H200 Hand Rehabilitation System
- BIONESS L300 Plus Foot Drop System
- BITS therapy system
- NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainers
- Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)
- Saebo Hand Kit
- Vita1Stim® Therapy System
Navigating admission and insurance requirements
Our Clinical Rehabilitation Specialists (CRS) coordinate each individual admission and is able to answer patient/family questions about inpatient rehabilitation services and admission process.
Pre-authorization is required by most insurance plans. Our CRS will assist with this process.
Videos about our Inpatient physical rehabilitation
Inpatient Rehabilitation
At HCA Midwest Health, we want to make your transition from the hospital to our inpatient rehabilitation program as seamless as possible.