For visitors
Gift shop
The gift shop offers a variety of everyday gift items, jewelry and baby items, along with a wide selection of flowers and reading materials. It is located on the first floor of the hospital, just off the main lobby. The gift shop staff would be happy to assist you in ordering flowers or other necessities for your loved ones who are receiving care in our hospital. Please call (660) 259-7543 for assistance.
Patient mail
Cards, letters and flowers will arrive faster if they are addressed as follows:
Patient's Name
Room Number
Lafayette Regional Health Center
1500 State Street
Lexington, MO 64067
Visiting hours
Family and friends provide an integral part in the health and well-being of patients. That's why Lafayette Regional Health Center encourages the presence and participation of visitors in our patients' care. They are valued partners in our care team.
Lafayette Regional Health Center has open, flexible visiting hours – visitors are welcome 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but these hours may vary by department. Please ask your nurse for specifics on your unit.
We strive to balance open visitation with our patients' needs for a quiet, restful and safe environment. For the well-being of our patients, there may be times when we need to temporarily limit visitation, and when these situations occur, we will fully inform patients and their loved ones. We will work with you to come up with a visitation plan that best meets your needs. View our Patient Visitation Rights.
Compassionate care visit, a visit necessary to meet the physical or mental needs of the patient, including, but not limited to:
- For end-of-life situations, including making decisions regarding end-of-life care during in-person contact or communication with the compassionate care visitor;
- For adjustment support or communication support, including, but not limited to, assistance with hearing and speaking;
- For emotional support;
- For physical support after eating or drinking issues, including weight loss or dehydration;
- For social support
Compassionate care visits may be at least 6 hours per day & visitors may come and go.
- 24 hour attendance by Compassionate Care Visitor when reasonably appropriate,
- Compassionate Care Visitor may leave & return within reason,
- May have 2 visitors simultaneously,
- For children who are minors, guardians must be present while the child receives care. "Guardians" may include parents with custody rights, parents with unsupervised visitation rights or other legally designated guardians.
If in the clinical judgement of the attending physician, the presence of visitors is medically or therapeutically contraindicated to the health or life of the patient – it must be documented in the medical record.
Facility may limit visitors –
- At the request of the patient or resident, or the legal guardian of such;
- At the request of a law enforcement agency for a person in custody;
- Due to a court order;
- To prevent substantial disruption to the care of a patient or resident or the operation of the facility;
- During the administration of emergency care in critical situations;
- If the person has measurable signs and symptoms of a transmissible infection; except that, the health care facility shall allow access through telephone or other means of telecommunication that ensure the protection of the patient or resident;
In respect to the presence of children:
- Children supervised by an adult are welcomed. Children are not restricted by age. Although younger children may be developmentally unable to remain with the patient for lengthy periods of time, contact with these children can be of significant importance to the patient.
- Children are expected to remain with the adult who is supervising them, not the patient.
Disruptive behavior and unsafe practices are not acceptable; these situations, while usually rare, will be addressed directly and promptly.
All compassion caregivers shall be free of communicable diseases and must respect the hospitals’ infection control policies.
Clergy will be extended the courtesy of flexible visitation, providing it does not interfere with medical care/treatment. All clergy are required to check in at the nursing desk of the appropriate unit.
Visitors arriving to the hospital after 8:00 pm will need to enter through the Emergency Department entrance.
Vendors are to check-in through the electronic DHP process.
Circumstances may allow for specific exceptions to any visitation restrictions described on this webpage. Those circumstances include religious visitation as well as a designated support person for a patient with a disability to provide assistance with communication or other necessary components of the patient's treatment. All persons entering under an exception remain subject to appropriate infection control protocols.
Hospital amenities
- Free newspapers
- Cappuccino machines throughout the hospital
- Kitchen/break room area
- Patient Care bag
- Care Carts visit three times a day to provide snacks and additional refreshments
- Notary public
- Pastoral care
- A time of illness can be very trying for family members and friends. For your spiritual comfort, the chapel is open to every denomination 24 hours a day. If you would like a chaplain to visit with you, please tell the nurse or call the operator.