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Contact us

Fill out the contact form or reach us directly to share any comments or concerns. We at Lafayette Regional Health Center in Lexington, Missouri, look forward to hearing from you.

Patient comments or concerns

Lafayette Regional Health Center strives to provide the best possible care during your hospital stay. If you have any concerns, questions or complaints about your care or treatment, please let your healthcare provider know on the hospital unit where you are receiving treatment. If you have a concern, we want to resolve it as soon as possible.

If you have voiced a concern to your care provider and feel it has not been resolved, or if you wish to discuss further, please call the facility's patient advocate at (660) 259-2203.

Limited English Proficiency

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patients can get language assistance at Lafayette Regional Health Center by calling (855) 683-5289. The LEP patient will be connected to a phone tree asking the caller in their native language to push the corresponding number for each supported Patient Line. The caller will then be connected to an AMN interpreter in the language chosen and then to the main hospital switchboard. From there, they can connect to any department or provider they need with the interpreter on the line the entire time to provide communication assistance.