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Contact us

Contact Menorah Medical Center for feedback, concerns, or questions. We want to provide you with the best possible care and are open to hearing what you have to say.

The Leawood OP Hospital

Menorah Medical Center
Administration (Business Office)
Overland Park, KS 66211
(913) 498-6000

Patient comments or concerns

Menorah Medical Center strives to provide the best possible care during your hospital stay. If you have any concerns, questions or complaints about your care or treatment, please let your healthcare provider know on the hospital unit where you are receiving treatment. If you have a concern, we want to resolve it as soon as possible.

If you have voiced a concern to your care provider and feel it has not been resolved, or if you wish to discuss further, please call the facility's patient advocate at (913) 498-6237.

Menorah Medical Center phone directory

Department/Facility Phone number
Patient Portal Help (855) 422-6625
Ethics Compliance Officer: Molly Teichman (913) 498-6770
Media Relations: Stann Tate (913) 498-7407
Facility Privacy Official: MMC FPO (913) 498-6000
Billing Questions and Customer Service (844) 974-3800
Admitting (913) 498-6032
Bariatric Services (Weight Loss) (913) 498-7367
Breast Center (913) 498-6266
Cafeteria Menu Hotline (913) 345-3850
Cancer Support (913) 498-7742
Cardiac Rehab (913) 498-6110
Chaplain/Pastor (913) 498-7416
CHF/TIA/Infusion Clinic (913) 498-7140
CyberKnife (913) 498-6650
Diabetes Education (913) 498-6321
Emergency Department (ER) (913) 498-6533
Family Birthing Center (913) 498-6300
Financial Counselor (913) 345-3682
Genetic Counseling (913) 498-6723
GI Lab (913) 498-6112
Gift Shop (913) 498-6202
Information Desk (913) 498-7327
Inpatient Rehabilitation (913) 498-6436
Intensive Care Unit (913) 498-6250
Joint & Spine Center (913) 498-6452
Medical Records (913) 302-7338
Outpatient Rehabilitation (913) 498-6990
Pain Clinic (913) 498-6124
Patient Advocate (913) 498-6237
Radiation Oncology (913) 498-6270
Radiology (913) 498-7363
Release of Information (913) 498-6284
Security (913) 498-7777
Sleep Lab (913) 498-6191
Surgery Waiting Area (913) 498-3622
Valet (913) 498-2580
Volunteer Services (913) 498-6062

Limited English Proficiency

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patients can get language assistance at Menorah Medical Center by calling (844) 482-1932. The LEP patient will be connected to a phone tree asking the caller in their native language to push the corresponding number for each supported Patient Line. The caller will then be connected to an AMN interpreter in the language chosen and then to the main hospital switchboard. From there, they can connect to any department or provider they need with the interpreter on the line the entire time to provide communication assistance.